January 2020 – The future of sport in Drenthe – the end
Translations about to come

Six statements for sport and exercise in Drenthe
Vital Sportsclubs
Exploration of the Future of Sport – the start
De provence Drenthe is pilot for a regional exploration of the future in sport. This is made possible by RIVM, Mulier Instituut, Vereniging Sport en Gemeenten, het kenniscentrum Sport en NOC*NSF. The National Sport Future Exploration and the National Sport Agreement are the reason to think about the future of sport regional and local. The 50th anniversary of SportDrenthe and the title Drenthe European Community of Sport make Drenthe THE candidate for this pilot.
The ministry of VWS wants to support regions and municipalities and the local sportsworld to make a future-proof policy by:
- Stimulating reginal and local sports agreements
- Stimulate better interpretation, understanding and utilization of local and regional data
- Stimulate ‘communities of practice’
- Develop a practical toolkit of data, interpreational instruments and a guide for local and regional sportsagreements
2017 SFE
In 2017 was the national Sport Future Exploration executed, the approach was:
- De SFE is meant to sharpen thoughts about the future
- It is about the future of sport and exercise up until 2030, starting from simalar policy
- Policy that focusses on wide assignment effects other assignments
- It is a start tot a more sportive Holland
- 4 perspectives that view the diversity of thoughts about sports
- There have been 80 experts and 100 stakeholders working on the SFE
Drentse SFE
Where are we now –> Local Trends –> assignments > prioritising > policy options
- On the basis of 21 core indicatores and analyses of policy
- Develop local trend indicators
- Assignments/chances and policy options will be viewed
What are we going to do:
- Make a link to the trajectory of ‘working on prevention’, Drenthe doet mee en positive health
- Three provincial sessions explore the future
- Local policy analyses
- Possible local SFE-sessions
Intended Results
Eventually there will be a provincial vission (that may be the start for a provincial sportsagreement) on sport and exercise in 2030 and a jointly section on the theme of prevention (that may be a part of a provincial prevention agreement).
It goves opportunities and chances on:
- Inclusive sport and excercise
- Sustainable infrastructure
- Vital providers
- Positive sports culture
- From youth..
- Topsports and sports talent
Kickoff Round of the future Drenthe 18th january
During the newyear event of Community of Sport 2019 at the TT Circuit were attendees asked how they look at the future of sports in Drenthe. Not only were they asked for their dreams, but also what they need AND what they will bring themselves.

Mieke Zijl will form her role as sportprojectmanager at SportDrenthe coordinate the project. She asked attendees at the beginning of a special sportsyear to share their persepctive for the future in 4 ‘stops’:
- What is your sport ambition for Drenthe?
- What do you need to realise this future image?
- Make a polaroid picture and show your contribution
- How is your Drentse inspiration when it comes to sport and exercise?
The multiple polaroid pictures with personal notes on the picture to the left show how involved the sportsworld of Drenthe is.
April – Exploring the future course of sport and exercise in Drenthe
The future of sport in Drenthe is getting closer all the time
How can we make the most of trends and developments that occur in society through sport? If we try to imagine what sport will look like in Drenthe in 2030, is that a vision of the future that we think is desirable? What could we be doing now to steer sport in the direction of a positive future scenario? We have been working hard on a Regional Future of Sport Exploration in Drenthe for a few months now. Following the kick-off on 25 February, the second exploration session took place with workshops on 20 May. Around 80 enthusiastic stakeholders joined in the thinking and planning – time for an update.
Exploring the future
The ‘data for local policy’ project is a result of the National Sport Agreement and builds upon the approach of the National Future of Sport Exploration. The consortium (Mulier Institute, Association of Sports and Municipalities, NOC&NSF, RIVM, Knowledge Centre for Sport), in collaboration with regional partners (GGD, CMOSTAMM) and local partners (the 12 municipalities in Drenthe), is mapping out all available and relevant data in the field of sport and exercise and attempting to interpret trends and developments. SportDrenthe is supervising the process, as represented by Mieke Zijl and Hans Slender.
“Many of the available figures are of a national nature and need regional refinement. That means we have to make the figures specific to our regional and local context, which is not an easy conversion. A lot of national research works with averages, but Amsterdam is of course in a completely different context to the Province of Drenthe. We have been discussing with the consortium’s experts how we can make this conversion, what we can get out of the available quantity of data for Drenthe and where supplementary local research is needed,” says Hans Slender.
The first meeting mainly looked at what knowledge and information is already available and relevant for basing future policy on. In the second session, we worked on interpreting the current figures. Hans Slender, along with Anet Doornbos of the Futures Literacy Lab (Hanze UAS), took the attendees through the technological developments and the disruptive changes that these could bring for the world of sport, among other things. They then worked to explore the sub-themes:
1 educational exercise and exercise skills as a basis for lifelong exercise;
2 stimulation of sport and vital providers through a positive sporting culture;
3 healthy active lifestyle: the preventative effect of sport and exercise;
4 communal social value: sport and exercise in the social domain;
5 economy: sport and exercise in leisure, tourism and regional marketing; and
6 sustainable sporting infrastructure: facilities and an exercise-friendly environment.
The first local sporting agreements are taking shape
“Sporting policy has not been just about sport and exercise for a long time now. It also involves the links to social affairs, health and prevention, economy, sustainability, etc. Policy is not only made by municipalities any more, but instead in collaboration with all stakeholders involved in the field,” says Mieke Zijl.
It is on the basis of this concept that the National Sport Agreement has been developed. Sport has worked together with other policy areas in this, along with many real-world professionals. This concept is being taken further with the Local Sport Agreements. Clubs, sports companies, events and professionals from neighbouring domains join in at a local level to discuss how we can get even more out of sport. In Drenthe, the municipalities of Hoogeveen, Meppel, Emmen, Assen, Noordenveld, De Wolden and Borger-Odoorn have already begun this process. The other municipalities will follow shortly.
Hans Slender: “In developing the Local Sport Agreements, I’d be the first to applaud if we not only worked with all parties to look for activities and campaigns for which there is sufficient mutual support, but also closely considered the quality of campaigns. High-quality local policy is based on existing knowledge and data, taking local trends and developments into account. Sport Agreements of high quality and with community support: that would really help sport in Drenthe to take the next step.”
Okotber – The future course is coming closer
How can we, as a sport, better respond to current trends and developments in society? If we try to imagine what sports will look like in Drenthe in 2030, is that what we want in the future? What can we do now to steer sports in the direction of a positive future scenario? We have been working hard on an Exploration of a Regional Future of Sports in Drenthe for a few months now. After the kick-off on 25 February and a follow-up meeting on 20 May, the last meeting took place on 16 September. More than 50 enthusiastic stakeholders contributed to the thinking and planning about the future of sports. Now it’s time for another update.
Click here for the previous reports:
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
What came before
There are six central themes in this process.
1 physical education and movement skills as a basis for lifelong exercise;
2 the stimulation of sports and vital providers through a positive sports culture;
3 a healthy active lifestyle: the preventative effect of sports and exercise;
4 social value: sports and exercise in the social domain;
5 the economy: sports and exercise in leisure, tourism, and regional marketing; and
6 a sustainable sports infrastructure: facilities and an exercise-friendly environment.
These themes were not chosen arbitrarily but emerged from discussions with municipalities and social organisations. These themes are also connected to the themes in the National Sports Agreement. They are central in every session.
Where we stand now
At the last meeting we presented the data on these themes and discussed the significance of this data and how that can be translated into policy and action.
Wanda Wendel-VOS, a member of the consortium for RIVM, was the first to speak. She presented the first version of our own new website which is funded by the RSTV. Want to know more? Then visit our website.
She took the participants on an interactive and guided tour of the website. For example, you can find out which policy themes are being collaborated on in Drenthe, how many schools have the healthy school vignette, as well as the ambitions Drenthe has for sports. The participants thought the website was attractive with a clear layout. ‘The web-based fact sheet is still being developed’, according to Wanda. ‘This web-based fact sheet will be presented in full on 15 November, at the celebration of the end of the 50-year jubilee of SportDrenthe.
After Wanda’s presentation, the theme groups further discussed what needs to be done better in the future and how to achieve this. Each theme group gave a presentation with specific recommendations for the policymakers in Drenthe. These recommendations will, of course, also be presented on 15 November. Another reason to attend this final party!
Do you want to know more?
Hans Slender and Mieke Zijl represent Drenthe in the national consortium and are the contacts for municipalities and organisations in Drenthe.
E-mail: hslender@sportdrenthe.nl; mzijl@sportdrenthe.nl